
Keep Your Pets Safe from Hawks: Understanding the Risks and Taking Precautions

February:28,2023|by PETUU

As pet owners, we love our furry friends and want to keep them safe from harm. But did you know that hawks can pose a danger to our beloved pets? According to a recent news article titled "Pet Peeves: Keep your pets safe from hawks," hawks have been known to attack and even kill small dogs, cats, and other small animals. In this blog post, we will discuss the risks that hawks pose to our pets and share some tips on how to keep them safe.

Understanding the Risks

Hawks are birds of prey that hunt small animals for food. While they typically prey on rodents, rabbits, and other small mammals, they have been known to attack pets as well. Small dogs and cats are especially vulnerable, as they are roughly the same size as some of the prey that hawks hunt in the wild. Hawks can swoop down and grab a pet in their talons, causing serious injury or even death.

Taking Precautions

Fortunately, there are steps that pet owners can take to protect their pets from hawks. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Supervise your pet when they are outside. If you have a small dog or cat, make sure that you are outside with them at all times. This will reduce the likelihood of a hawk attack.
  2. Keep your pet on a leash. When you take your dog for a walk, keep them on a leash at all times. This will prevent them from running off and becoming an easy target for a hawk.
  3. Install bird netting. If you have an outdoor area where your pet likes to play, consider installing bird netting to keep hawks away. Bird netting is a fine mesh that is designed to keep birds from entering an area.
  4. Be aware of your surroundings. When you are outside with your pet, be on the lookout for hawks. If you see a hawk circling overhead, pick up your pet and take them inside.


While hawks can pose a danger to our pets, there are steps that we can take to keep them safe. By understanding the risks and taking precautions, we can ensure that our furry friends are protected from harm. Remember to supervise your pet when they are outside, keep them on a leash, install bird netting, and be aware of your surroundings. By following these tips, you can enjoy the outdoors with your pet without worrying about hawks.